Nominating (Start Staking)
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Last updated
For demonstration purposes, we chose a Single Polkadot Vault account.
Choose your preferred wallet from the wallet drop-down by clicking on the wallet card.
Click on the Staking menu.
Select the network where you want to make nominating operations.
Nova Spektr shows the network staking information and the selected wallet nominating information (staked tokens, rewards and unstaking tokens).
Click on the info icon in order to check your nominator on the block explorer.
Click on the Manage stake button, then the Start staking option.
If your account is already staking click on the Manage stake button in order to select a staking operation, such as Stake More, Unstake, Return to Stake, Change Validators, Change Rewards Destination or Withdraw Unstaked.
Input the amount that you wish to stake.
Choose the rewards destination (restake or transferable).
Continue and review all of the contextual information.
The Basket is supported by Multishard Polkadot Vault or Polkadot Vault with Dynamic derivations accounts.
The way of signing depends on the wallet type.
If you choose a Multishard wallet, select shard(s) with the checkbox in order to start making the multishard operation.
This signatory needs to lock up funds for the Multisig Deposit.